On Friday, 21 March 2025 TWUSUPER merged with Team Super. If you were a member or employer of TWUSUPER (now Team Super), please read the following information carefully to understand what this means to you.
Service message: Until Monday, 14 April 2025 the Team Super online account will be unavailable. Once available, you will be able to check your account details including balance, any insurance cover you have as well as make changes to your contact information.
Through the merger, Team Super is larger; and increased scale means we can further enhance our products and services, deliver greater investment opportunities and likely, lower fees. See ‘About Team Super’ below to find out more.
From April 2025, transferring members from TWUSUPER will receive:
An Exit Statement from TWUSUPER
A Welcome letter from Team Super
See below for more information. You can also refer to the TWUSUPER Member Transfer Guide - Super (PDF) and / or Transfer Guide - TransPension (PDF) for further information regarding the merger.
Exit statement | Welcome letter | Online Account |
In early to mid-April you will receive an exit statement from TWUSUPER. This will be sent by post (only) to the residential address we have on file for you. You don’t have to do anything to complete your transfer to Team Super after receiving this statement. |
Once your new Team Super account has been created, we’ll send you a welcome letter along with the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). This will be sent to you via email or post, depending on the contact information we have. |
With your existing member number, you can also register for the online account (via the blue login button located top right hand side on the home page) where you’ll be able to manage your Team Super account 24/7. From your online account you can:
Processing of contributions
Processing of contributions to Team Super accounts will start from 14 April 2025 (when the Limited Service Period ends). You can still make your contributions as normal before that date, they just won’t be processed until the end of the Limited Service Period.
If you use TWUSUPER’s QuickSuper portal
If you have a TWUSUPER QuickSuper account, you will be given the login details for the Team Super QuickSuper clearing house by QuickSuper.
The Team Super USI will automatically replace the TWUSUPER USI.
The TWUSUPER QuickSuper portal became read-only from 5pm (AEST) Friday, 11 March 2025.
Users can access the read-only portal to view or download transaction history from 12 March 2025 until 11 March 2026. This history won't be transferred over to the new Team Super QuickSuper portal.
No data will be recoverable from this portal after 11 March 2026. Please ensure you have saved all you need from the portal by that date.
If you use a different clearing house
If you make payments through a Clearing House other than QuickSuper, you can continue to do so after the merger. Please ensure you update the TWUSUPER USI to the Team Super USI 16457520308001.
Please refer to the TWUSUPER Employer Guide (PDF) for more information on the Limited Service Period and the merger.
Our team of dedicated Account Managers offer priority service for all superannuation administration queries, ensuring quick and easy answers across a range of topics. They will still be available to deliver high-quality super and retirement educational programs for your employees as account managers for Team Super.
Please use the enquiry form to request contact from an Account Manager.
While we complete the merger, our Contact Centre is available to answer questions. However, they will have limited access to your information before 14 April 2025.
If you have an urgent query – for example if you need to make an insurance claim – please contact us for help.
For TWUSUPER historical Significant Event Notices, please go to this page.
Fixed administration fee of 75 cents per week!
We perform for you – 8.43% pa for our High Growth investment option over the last five years (as at 30 June 2024)^.
We’re proud to be Money magazine's 2025 Super Fund of the year.
Work in a high-risk or dangerous job? We’ve got your back. Our flexible insurance cover options can help financially protect you and your family if you’re unable to work or if the unexpected happens – and you can change your level of insurance anytime.
We understand the challenges associated with shift work which is why we have regional offices across Australia and experienced personnel able to make work site visits.
We offer all Team Super members a complimentary first appointment with Team Super Financial Advice.
^ Past performance isn't necessarily an indication of future performance.